Every day, we use products from countless manufacturers. We are able to use these products without having to worry about being injured because manufacturers have standards in place which they have to maintain for their products to assure the public’s safety. When a manufacturer does not meet certain safety standards required by law, and you or a loved one are hurt because of their negligence, you may be entitled to just and fair compensation equal to the level of damages caused. Contact one of our expert product liability attorneys at our Boston, Massachusetts law firm for your free and confidential consultation so we can discuss what legal remedies you’re entitled to.
A $9.8 million settlement has been awarded to a 35 year-old plaintiff who suffered injuries resulting from defects in his wheelchair. The defective wheelchair personal injury lawsuit alleged the plaintiff was injured as a result of defective design, defective manufacture, inadequate warnings, and faulty repair of the product. The design included bolts on the wheelchair seat frame that were installed with the threaded ends facing away from the wheelchair occupant. After complaints were filed that the bolts were falling out, a design change was made for the bolts to be orientated with the threaded ends facing inward.
The plaintiff later suffered a puncture wound in his lower extremity caused by one of the inward facing bolts. One month later, the wound was aggravated when a seat screw and aluminum seat rail failed, causing the seating area to collapse and eject the plaintiff from his wheelchair. Despite receiving medical treatment for the puncture wound, it has remained open for nearly three years, and the second incident only served to aggravate it.
Have you or a loved one been injured because of a defective product? If so, you may be entitled to substantial compensation, so please contact one of our expert Massachusetts products liability lawyers here at the Law Offices of Gilbert R. Hoy, Jr. and Affiliates by phone at 617-787-3700 or by email at info@gilhoylaw.com. Your needs are our top priority!