Category Archives: Boston Bus Accident Lawyer

Nevada Jury Awards Surgeon’s Family $19 Million In Damages After Fatal Bicycle Accident.

Bicycles tend to be one of the more convenient ways of getting from point a to point b, but they are also riskier than motor vehicles because they offer very little protection. While riding a bicycle, however, an operator has the … Continue reading

Posted in Boston Accident Injury Lawyer, Boston Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Boston Bus Accident Lawyer, Boston Personal Injury Lawyer, Boston Wrongful Death Lawyer | Comments Off on Nevada Jury Awards Surgeon’s Family $19 Million In Damages After Fatal Bicycle Accident.

Increase In Use Of Bicycles In Daily Commute Poses Serious Safety Risks.

Ann-Doerth Hass Jensen, a Copenhagen social worker, was riding her bicycle to work, as bicycling is often the fastest way to travel in Copenhagen, when a school bus traveling to a kindergarten ran a red light and crashed into her, … Continue reading

Posted in Boston Bicycle Accident Lawyer, Boston Bus Accident Lawyer, Boston Negligence Lawyer, Boston Personal Injury Lawyer | Leave a comment

One Dead, More Than Thirty Injured in Vermont Bus-Truck Collision.

A severe crash involving a tractor-trailer and a tour bus sent more than thirty people to the hospital on Friday, February 21, 2014. According to reports, the accident occurred after the tractor-trailer jackknifed, blocking the northbound lanes of a highway … Continue reading

Posted in Boston Accident Injury Lawyer, Boston Bus Accident Lawyer, Boston Car Accident Lawyer, Boston Negligence Lawyer, Boston Personal Injury Lawyer, Boston Snow and Ice Injury Attorney, Boston Snow and Ice Injury Lawyer, Boston Wrongful Death Lawyer, Massachusetts Snow and Ice | Leave a comment