Studies Show Dental X-Rays May Be Linked To Tumor Risk.

Boston, Massachusetts Medical Malpractice lawyerAccording to recent studies, frequent dental X-rays are associated with a heightened risk of developing the most common, non-cancerous brain tumors. The researchers who performed the studies do not suggest that dentist-goers should not have dental X-rays performed. Rather, they suggest that dentist-goers should be aware of the information, and have a conversation with their dentist in order to prevent undergoing any unnecessary dental X-rays that may be potentially harmful.

According to researchers, the results of the studies are not precise, because there were many limitations that the researchers faced. For example, researchers were forced to rely upon the participants memories of their dental X-ray history. However, the results did show that people who had brain tumors were twice as likely as those who did not have a brain tumor to have previously had a bitewing dental X-ray.

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